Archive for January 19th, 2010


Good Luck

19 January 2010

Pagi itu cuaca Jakarta masih diselimuti awan tebal. Udara dingin menusuk kulit sisa hujan deras sepanjang dini hari. Waktu masih pukul 06.15 ketika aku menaiki metromini 69 yang (tumben) penuh.  Rasa dingin itu akhirnya menguap seiring dengan peluh yang menetes dan berdiri dalam sesaknya metromini. Jalanan tersendat macet namun Alhamdulillah sebelum Pasar Kebayoran Lama sudah mendapat tempat duduk. Tiba di Terminal Blok M, aku langsung menaiki Kopaja 66 yang masih kosong sehingga bisa leluasa memilih tempat duduk. Kondisi jalan dari Blok M ke Sudirman dan akhirnya Kuningan tidak terlalu macet jadi sudah bisa tiba di Wisma Sentra Mulia Kuningan pukul 07.30.

Continue reading ‘Good Luck’

Welcome to Laisya : A New Hope

This is a blog about my journey, my story, and my "curhat". "Laisya : A New Hope" is inspired by "Star Wars IV : A New Hope". (I love Star Wars Saga :D). This is my new blog to replace "Laisya and Her World". Well, actually I made this blog long time ago, before I made "Laisya and Her World". However, for certain reason, I have to leave "Laisya and Her World" and start this new (but old) blog :)

More about me??

Now, I live in Jakarta but I'll always love Bandung as my hometown. I used to live in Adelaide, South Australia for two years due to my study (master degree). I like reading, swimming, watching movies, and travelling. I have a dream to visit all interesting places in this planet. I hope my dream will come true someday. Am I a dreamer? Maybe, but why not?? Sometimes I envy TV reporters whom travel around the world for free, and they were paid. Gee, that is a Dream Job! :D Daydream? Yeaah, whatever lah :P.

Too many "dream" words here, maybe I actually should put "Laisya and Her Dream" as a blog title :D.

Enjoy your day!

January 2010

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